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Stimulate your soil and seed, with Soil & Seed!

Stimulate your soil and seed, with Soil & Seed!

Soil & Seed biostimulant has long been a foundation of BioAg’s cropping and horticultural programs. We’ve been producing and selling it for 23 years, giving Soil & Seed a proven track record and a reputation that speaks for itself.

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When Less is Best – for your crops and your hip-pocket

When Less is Best – for your crops and your hip-pocket

Do you sometimes feel like you’re going a little insane? Applying more and more synthetic fertiliser to boost yield because that’s what everyone else does, yet your efforts and skyrocketing input costs result in either no yield improvement or even declining yield, and stressed crops?

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Go the mighty Corryong Demons!

Go the mighty Corryong Demons!

Corryong is a small town in northeast Victoria with an enormous passion for sport. The Corryong Football Netball Club has a long and proud history having been founded 130 years ago in 1892! BioAg wanted to give something back to this mighty community given more than 20 years of continued support for BioAg’s products from growers in the Upper Murray and surrounding areas.

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NT success

NT success

Andrew Dalglish and his father Charlie have been customers of BioAg for some 20 years, originally in NSW’s Riverina region, and these days in the Northern Territory. Andrew is the owner of Foxalicious Fruit, a Katherine based organic mango and asparagus farming operation and premium fresh produce packing company.

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Nutrient Management Planning – Dairy focus

Nutrient Management Planning – Dairy focus

The dairy industry is amongst the highest nutrient fluxes (inflows and outflows) for any agricultural production system and therefore has relatively low nutrient use efficiencies. The ongoing intensification of the industry also means these nutrient fluxes are continuing to increase per hectare, increasing both the reliance on imported feed and Nitrogen fertiliser use.

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BioAgPhos™ suits low rainfall zones

BioAgPhos™ suits low rainfall zones

Interim results from BioAg field trials undertaken in low rainfall high-country pasture demonstrate that BioAg applications significantly increased dryland pasture production and positively changed species composition.

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Welcome to James Mwendwa – Area Manager, Riverina

Welcome to James Mwendwa – Area Manager, Riverina

James Mwendwa has commenced with Australian owned agricultural inputs manufacturer and supplier, BioAg as its Riverina (NSW) agronomist and Area Sales Manager. BioAg has a 20 plus year history in local manufacturer of liquid biostimulants and natural phosphate fertilisers, providing farmers with customised fertility programs to drive yield.

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Quality outcomes in the Upper Murray

Quality outcomes in the Upper Murray

Technical Sales Agronomist, Rebecca Bingley of Ag Warehouse Kiewa has advocated for BioAg fertilisers and liquids for her customers in the Upper Murray. “BioAg has given growers more opportunities to improve their soil health and nutrition. The products have a high concentration of active ingredients allowing our clients to access a cost-effective product that is still of high quality.

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Demos and trials

Demos and trials

BioAg continues to participate in ongoing demonstrations with growers and independent trials where needed. The coming season is no
different, with both long term trials and demos in pastures being planned or continued. We are part way through a 3 year wheat and canola trial using a liquid biostimulant program, as part of Farmlink programs being run at Temora. Initial observations have been promising.

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Building a feed wedge

Building a feed wedge

While this season’s rainfall has extended pasture growth; it is traditional that livestock operations start to run short of good pasture any time from late summer through to late winter. Spring reserves are grazed down, while cold weather reduces the amount of new vegetative growth.

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Post-harvest – a key period for orchards and vineyards

Post-harvest – a key period for orchards and vineyards

Post-harvest is an important period for perennial tree crops and vines. This is when carbohydrates and nutrient reserves (like nitrogen) are replenished prior to dormancy. These reserves are then used at bud or flower burst and the start of the next season.
Post-harvest applications of nutrients and biostimulants ensure adequate levels of nutrients are available and accessed by your trees or vines. Application immediately after harvest also avoids the rush or non-application of required nutrients later in the season due to overly wet conditions.

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Area Manager focus – Slobodan Vujovic

Area Manager focus – Slobodan Vujovic

Slobodan Vujovic recently joined BioAg as Area Sales
Manager for SE Victoria and Tasmania. He has over twenty-five years experience in Australian agricultural industries within government research organisations, various primary industry associations and the private sector. Slobodan has extensive knowledge in general agronomy, soil health, pest and disease management, ag bio-security, and irrigation.

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BioAg program underpins oaten hay success

BioAg program underpins oaten hay success

Colin Falls is a fourth-generation farmer with a property at
Dingee, Victoria, that has been in his family for over 100 years.
Over the last 20 years, Colin, in partnership with his son Jacko,
has been working with BioAg and hence has an excellent frame of reference to base his observations.

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Powered by Watts

Powered by Watts

Antony Isles, a BioAg client of 10 years, is delighted that his 2,500 acre ‘Green Trees’ property at Black Springs, south of Oberon, is powered by Watts, not Amps. Watts being BioAg Agent Andrew Watt. Andrew and his wife Rhonda have been working with BioAg for 22 years,
overseeing clients like Antony and helping him turn this run-down farm into a fodder producing Cattle property.

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Duck island connection

Duck island connection

There is a natural connection between Duck Island and BioAg. We both question convention and apply solutions to problems based on evidence. Duck Island is a large grazing property in the Upper South East of South Australia, situated on the saline soils of the Ninety Mile Desert.

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Capital P in Broadacre Cropping and Pasture

Capital P in Broadacre Cropping and Pasture

In broadacre cropping and pasture, the last two seasons in Victoria and New South Wales have been exceptional. As a result, when considering your fertiliser requirements for 2022, it is important to consider the amount of nutrients your crops or livestock have removed. Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for high yielding crops and pastures. It is typically tightly bound in soils

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P fertilisers’ continued price rise

P fertilisers’ continued price rise

In our Spring newsletter, we discussed the increasing prices of phosphate fertilisers. Prices have continued to climb, and from what we hear, starter fertiliser is now over $1,500 per tonne, and SSP is over $600 per tonne.

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BioAg program improves citrus crop yield

BioAg program improves citrus crop yield

A Riverina citrus grower has been convinced that a biological approach to soil improvement is a safer, cost-efficient, and sustainable method of horticultural production. In an established orchard that Russell Vardanega acquired several years ago, yields were reduced with; inhibited crop growth, insignificant canopy coverage, small leaves with evident nutrient deficiencies and a low rate of new growth and poor numbers of generative organs. These factors resulted in a dramatic yield reduction achieving only 10-15 t/ha, compared to a potential yield for planted varieties (Navels and Valencias) of 50 t/ha.

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Farewell to Ivan Mitchell

Farewell to Ivan Mitchell

Ivan Mitchell, one of two agents who have been with BioAg for our entire journey since the company was founded in 1999, retired at the end of June. He leaves a number of long-term customers who have been with him, some for the entire 22-year period, and they are as sad as we are to see him go.

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Clean coastal catchments project

Clean coastal catchments project

BioAg is participating in the Livestock Fertiliser Stewardship Group for the NSW Government funded Clean Coastal Catchments (CCC) project. The project addresses the management of excess flows of fertiliser, nutrients, and effluent into our coastal waterways and how this can be reduced. It is being run and coordinated by the NSW DPI over a ten-year lifespan, ending in 2028.

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