May 27, 2024 | Agronomy topics, CalNitSol, Case study, Deficiencies, Horticulture, Latest news, Liquid Fertiliser, Nutrition, Practices, Soil & crop testing, Vegetables
LatestNews Getting the soil balance right Case study: Zucchinis, Shepparton Victoria Dhami Singh, originally from the Punjab region of India, has always been passionate about farming. After immigrating to Australia, he now leads a team of 14 people in Shepparton...
Feb 17, 2021 | Balance & Grow, BioAgPhos, Biostimulant, Broadacre Cropping, CalNitSol, Latest news, Liquid Fertiliser, Soil & Seed, Solid Fertilisers, Winter Cereal
LatestNews 2020 Crop case study Agostino Galluzzo, owner and manager of Galluzzo Produce in the Riverina operates a mixed farming enterprise including sheep, beef, pigs, and irrigated and dryland cropping. As a former potato and onion grower, Agostino is fully aware...
Nov 23, 2020 | BioAgPhos, Biostimulant, Broadacre Cropping, Canola, CuZin, Latest news, Liquid Fertiliser, Soil & Seed, Solid Fertilisers, Winter Cereal, Winter legume crops
LatestNews Sustainable farming in the Riverina Riverina growers, Andrew and Sue Forrest purchased their farm in 1994 and set plans in place to transform their farm into a highly productive property. The 5th generation farmers have implemented a 4 x 4 rotation of...
Nov 23, 2020 | Balance & Grow, BioAg Zinc, BioAgPhos, Biostimulant, CalNitSol, Hay / forage crops, Latest news, Liquid Fertiliser, Oaten Hay, Solid Fertilisers
LatestNews Oaten hay success Deniliquin based BioAg distributor and agent Ivan Mitchell has been working as a BioAg advisor and supplier since operations commenced in 1999. He has a very loyal and successful customer base and is highly regarded. Ivan doesn’t just...
Aug 21, 2020 | Balance & Grow, Biostimulant, CalNitSol, CuZin, Fruit & Balance, Hay / forage crops, Latest news, Lucerne, Soil & Seed
LatestNews Demo and trial results for all to see Growers in NE Victoria and SE New South Wales are really taking notice of the effectiveness of BioAg’s products and programs. With extensive demo sites and strategic trials, both independently and with key resellers,...
Aug 21, 2020 | Balance & Grow, Biostimulant, CuZin, Fruit & Balance, Latest news, Liquid Fertiliser
LatestNews Rain into grain As we head into spring, a crop nutrition program needs to be tailored to supply all the nutrients that the plant requires to turn ‘rain into grain’. Whilst nitrogen is important to increase grain yields and pasture dry matter production, it...
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