White Papers
Sometimes nutrient shortage is not the issue. What happens when there is too much nutrient? How do we know if plants are accessing and using the nutrients that have been applied? Are nutrients in the soil being utilised by the plant or are they being lost to the environ... Every plant, like any organism, needs certain components for growth over and above soil, sun, rain, and air. The basic component of a living plant cell is protein, which is built from a sequence of amino acids. Plants synthesise amino acids from the primary elements, ca... Like most elements carbon can be present in soils in different forms. Carbon is present as organic or inorganic carbon. Inorganic carbon is mineral based with its most common form being calcium carbonate. The carbon present in soil organic matter is referred to as organ... The Olsen and Colwell soil tests are strongly correlated when using water soluble/chemical fertilisers. However, these tests will likely underestimate plant available phosphorus (P) when fertilising with natural fertilisers such as RPR or BioAgPhos. P is an important el... It is well known that soil microbes interact with plants to supply nutrients, in particular nitrogen, typically supplied through synthetic inputs such as fertiliser. In natural ecosystems, most nutrients including nitrogen (N) are bound in organic molecules which have l... The phosphate rock used in agriculture is known by a number of names. Reactive phosphate rock (RPR), direct application phosphate rock (DAPR), mineral phosphate,
soft rock, hard rock. Variants on all of these are names or brands used across the fertiliser industry. Phos... Phosphorus levels in waterways and catchments is a contributing factor to reduced levels of water quality and increased eutrophication. Reducing nutrient loss pathways needs to be a focus for all farmers. Nutrient losses from farming operations to waterways and catchmen...