Feb 17, 2021 | Biostimulant, Broadacre Cropping, Dairy, Latest news, Organic dairy, Organic pasture, Pasture, Sheep and beef, Soil & Seed, Soil & Seed Organic, Winter Cereal
LatestNews Setting key milestones in planning 2021 Benjamin Franklin wrote, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Franklin was a meticulous planner, attributing this to much of his success. Planning the future activities and needs of the farm, and for future crops,...
Nov 23, 2020 | Broadacre Cropping, Latest news, Winter Cereal, Winter legume crops
LatestNews Plans for 2021 – beyond BioAg break After harvest is the time for growers to reassess plans that were set almost a year prior. Driven by an early-season start and regular ‘La-Nina’ spring rainfall many growers have had average or above-average harvests in...
Nov 23, 2020 | BioAgPhos, Biostimulant, Broadacre Cropping, Canola, CuZin, Latest news, Liquid Fertiliser, Soil & Seed, Solid Fertilisers, Winter Cereal, Winter legume crops
LatestNews Sustainable farming in the Riverina Riverina growers, Andrew and Sue Forrest purchased their farm in 1994 and set plans in place to transform their farm into a highly productive property. The 5th generation farmers have implemented a 4 x 4 rotation of...
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