Sustainable farming in the Riverina
Riverina growers, Andrew and Sue Forrest purchased their farm in 1994 and set plans in place to transform their farm into a highly productive property. The 5th generation farmers have implemented a 4 x 4 rotation of canola, wheat, barley and field peas followed by cereals under sown with an improved pasture species.

The pasture phase depends on seasonal conditions and stocking levels. Entering into the pasture phase, paddocks are treated with BioAgPhos and gypsum, providing key nutrients phosphorus, sulphur and calcium. The pasture phase is critical, increasing organic carbon and nitrogen levels in the soil prior to the cropping rotation.
Ahead of the cropping phase soils are tested, with BioAgPhos, lime and gypsum applied based upon soil pH, phosphorus, calcium and sulphur levels.
At planting, reduced amounts of starter fertiliser are utilised in conjunction with Soil & Seed, and where required copper and zinc (CuZin). By sequestering nitrogen during the pasture phase reduced amounts of nitrogen fertiliser are required in the early years of the cropping phase and by sequestering organic carbon soils remain more productive throughout.
It’s not what you see in the first year that counts, it’s what you see over the whole four-five-year rotation that’s important.
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