Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Conducted by
Agricenter International
USA cotton multi-year trials
In-field use and demonstrations in Australia’s cropping regions had identified positive yield responses when applying BioAg’s fermented liquid cultures on a range of crops.
To better evaluate the implications of a biostimulant program over cotton we decided to run independent, small plot replicated trials. Agricenter International was engaged to perform a range of trials on behalf of BioAg to evaluate the impacts of applying BioAg’s liquid biostimulants over a range of crop and fertiliser regimes.
This report details the outcomes of trials performed on Cotton. Each year, a full biostimulant treatment was applied to a fertiliser application representing Grower Standard Practice (GSP), and another representing GSP less 15% Nitrogen. Several additional biostimulant programs were performed over the five years to evaluate the outcomes of alternate biostimulant programs.
Trial aim
To evaluate the impact on Cotton yields when applying BioAg liquid biostimulants to fertiliser regimes representing GSP and GSP less 15% nitrogen.
Each plot had fertiliser applied prior to planting as well as nitrogen fertiliser side dressed prior to flowering.
Fertiliser rates were based on standard practice in the Tennessee area. GSP had solid fertiliser applied at planting at the rate of; 22kg of nitrogen, 39kg of phosphorus and 74kg of potassium per hectare; plus 67kg/ha of nitrogen side dressed.
Plots, where the fertiliser applied, was GSP less 15% nitrogen (GSP -15%N), had the same amount of fertiliser applied at planting, but a reduced amount of nitrogen fertiliser applied as side dressing, being 57kg/ha of nitrogen.
The treatments can be grouped as follows:
- T1 was performed each year and represents GSP.
- T2a and T2b represent GSP with a full biostimulants program with variations in the use of soil-applied Soil & Seed whereby:
- T2a was with 5.3 and 4.7L/Ha of Soil & Seed being applied to the soil and in furrow respectively; and
- T2b was with 9.4L/Ha of Soil & Seed applied to the soil.
- T3a, T3b and T3c represent GSP -15%N with a full biostimulants program with variations in the use of soil applied Soil & Seed whereby;
- T3a was with 4.7 and 3.5L/Ha of Soil & Seed being applied to the soil and in furrow respectively;
- T3b was with 5.3 and 3.5L/Ha of Soil & Seed being applied to the soil and in furrow respectively; and
- T3c was with 9.4L/Ha of Soil & Seed applied to the soil.
- T4 represents GSP with only 9.4L/Ha of soil applied Soil & Seed.
Yield results for treatments are provided below in tonnes per hectare:
Yield results per treatment per year
The USA trials have shown that the use of BioAg liquids over the top of the standard fertiliser program increased yields. While the yield in each season varied, each year provided a beneficial financial return.
The highest yield responses were achieved in average growing seasons.

Download independent trial
For the full trial, including methods, results and conclusion, download here.
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