
Fruit & Balance

Formulated to increase flowering, fruit set and soil microbial activity. Fruit & Balance enhances the nutritional value and quality of fruit or grain by increasing sugar levels in the plant.

This fermented microbial culture contains a rich source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, and growth promoters.

Fruit & Balance delivers a rich source of plant-available phosphate when the plant is under peak load, stimulating strong fruiting and enhancing yield potential. A natural bio-chelator of water-soluble nutrients, it enhances plant uptake of these nutrients.

It drives the plant into a strong fruiting state, maximising fruit or seed set and assisting the plant in carrying this load for maximum yield and quality.

  • Stimulates and supports fruiting and maturation
  • Supplies plant-available phosphate during peak load
  • Supplies a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes
  • Stimulates soil microbial population and diversity
  • Combats the negative effects of abiotic stresses
  • Organic variation available.
More information

Formulated for optimal foliar uptake and ideal for broadacre, horticulture and organic enterprises. Apply when plant is in a fruiting state, using a spray system.

To purchase

Contact your Area Manager today for a tailored plan for your crop.

Fruit & Balance resources

  • Zucchini mid-season update

    It has been another fruitful season of zucchini cultivation in Shepparton, Victoria, in collaboration with GV Roo’s Director, Dhami Singh, and his dedicated team.

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  • A critical time to address nutrient deficiencies

    As fruit and nuts near maturity and harvest, the critical processes for perennial tree crops and vines are the accumulation of sugars, the maintenance of the sugar-to-acid ratio, and the development of colour, and for vines, an increase in anthocyanins (dark pigments).

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  • Biostimulants increase yield

    For the past four years, BioAg Agronomist and Area Manager Pete Emerson has been conducting a large-scale biostimulants demonstration with a grower near Brocklesby, southern NSW. The innovative grower is keen to explore ways to combat soil constraints and improve crop y...

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  • Soil-nutrient relationships

    Nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, may be supplied to plants solely from reserves held in the soil. Others like phosphorus and nitrogen are added regularly to soils as fertiliser to be withdrawn as needed by crops.

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