
Rice crop

Australian rice growers are some of the most efficient and productive in the world due to rice production being highly variable, reflecting water availability and the prices of alternative crops. Rice varieties grown are suited to the Australian climate and the harsh growing conditions we have in this country.

Specific considerations for rice

As rice is under water for much of the growing season it is important to apply required nutrients and support soils early in the season. Investing in the preparation of fields will deliver improved results by supporting germination and early growth.

During critical growth phases it is important to support the crop with nutrients. Applying nutrients in combination with the appropriate biostimulant will enhance nutrient uptake, minimising nutrient losses, as well as support plant physiological processes.

Use of BioAg biostimulants has shown to improve nutrient use efficiency and minimise lodging.

The BioAg approach

BioAg nutrition programs are incorporated into a growers current nutrition program. Our objective is to make fertiliser and other inputs work better and build and support healthy and balanced soils and plants. Programs are custom-made for each block, using advanced soil and tissue analysis. These integrated programs typically incorporate a range of BioAg solid and liquid nutrients, often associated with conventional inputs. BioAg fertility programs can be developed to meet organic certification requirements.

Soil test

An experienced and Fertcare accredited BioAg agronomist works with you and provides technical expertise on your crop. If you don’t already have recent soil test data, we arrange a soil test for you. The results provide essential information about the soil fertility and soil structure for better performance. Download the BioAg soil sampling procedure here.

A tailored program

Based on the results of soil tests, crop requirements and other factors such as soil structure, climate, history of the block, and targets that you are trying to achieve, we provide a tailored program that aims to improve soil fertility and maximise yield response. We support you through the program to ensure that inputs are applied at the right time, in the right way.

Leaf and tissue testing

Any nutritional program cannot foresee the changes in weather, disease, or pests, that may impact a crop. During the season, growers may observe issues or evidence of stress in their crop. This may be due to greater growth or yields than planned, a trace element shortage or abiotic stresses. An on-farm inspection and associated leaf or tissue tests will promptly identify any issues, which can quickly be addressed by applying the appropriate inputs. Download the BioAg leaf sampling procedure here.

High yielding crops require fertile balanced soils

Key to highly productive crops is the function of soils. Soil structure, chemistry and biology are critical in supporting crops throughout the growing season. By improving all aspects of the soil, crops will benefit from improved access to moisture, due to improved infiltration and water holding capacity, improved access to nutrition through improved nutrient cycling, fixation (for N) and a reduction in loss pathways, improved resilience to abiotic stresses and disease, improved root growth providing access to additional moisture and nutrients as well as improved carbon sequestration and a range of other benefits (click for more on soil health).

Beneficial microorganisms stimulate the plant’s root growth and help protect it from abiotic stresses. This is made possible through mutually beneficial relationships that microbes develop with plants, for example mycorrhizal associations. BioAg products programs supply essential macronutrients (N, P, K, S, Ca), trace elements (B, Zn, Cu etc.), microbial food and metabolites beneficial microorganisms that colonise root systems, improving soil function, plant health and productivity.

Rice grains isolated on a white background

Rice – key features of a BioAg program

The following table illustrates the cropping process and potential solutions depending on soil test results and other contributing factors. Call your BioAg Area Manager to discuss your individual needs.

BioAg Product
Pre planting
Understand nutrition and soil needs.
Perform a soil test at least 3 months prior to sowing.
Sowing or prior to permanent water
Maintain soil health and support early development.
Apply a soil biostimulant.
Soil & Seed®: 3 – 4L/ha
Full canopy
Support and stimulate growth and provide important nutrients to minimise risk of lodging and to promote growth.
Apply nutrients with biostimulant to enhance nutrient uptake and translocation. Stimulate vegetative growth.
Balance & Grow® with Ca and N liquid fertiliser: 3 – 4L/ha apply in a single pass with liquid Ca and N fertiliser
At or post panicle initiation
Enhance seed set to improve yield.
Provide nitrogen fertiliser with a biostimulant to enhance N uptake and growth in the reproductive phase.
Fruit & Balance® with liquid N fertiliser: 3 – 4L/ha Apply as a single pass with liquid N fertiliser

Rice resources

  • Biostimulants increase yield

    For the past four years, BioAg Agronomist and Area Manager Pete Emerson has been conducting a large-scale biostimulants demonstration with a grower near Brocklesby, southern NSW. The innovative grower is keen to explore ways to combat soil constraints and improve crop y...

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  • Soil-nutrient relationships

    Nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, may be supplied to plants solely from reserves held in the soil. Others like phosphorus and nitrogen are added regularly to soils as fertiliser to be withdrawn as needed by crops.

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  • Biostimulants to the rescue – enhancing fertiliser efficiency

    Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) is the term used to describe the effectiveness of nitrogen uptake by plants, whether it be nitrogen latent in the soil, sequestered from the air, or applied as fertiliser.

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  • Biostimulants increase yield benefits

    The yield map from the Summer 2023 harvest near Brocklesby in Southern NSW visibly shows the positive impact of BioAg’s biostimulant program on yield.

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Recommended products

bag of BioAg Phos solid fertiliser


Solid Fertiliser

Highly reactive phosphate fertiliser made from high-grade reactive phosphate rock combined with BioAg’s microbial digesting agent.

BioAg Biostimulant product Soil & Seed

Soil & Seed


Formulated to improve soil microbial activity, natural soil fertility and moisture and nutrient utilisation.

BioAg Biostimulant product Balance & Grow

Balance & Grow


Formulated to increase vegetative growth, root development and soil microbial activity. Ideal for broadacre, pastures and horticulture.

BioAg Biostimulant product Fruit & Balance

Fruit & Balance


Formulated to increase flowering, fruit set and soil microbial activity. Fruit & Balance enhances the nutritional value and quality of fruit or grain by increasing plant sugar levels.

bag of BioAg Phos solid fertiliser

Committed to organics

With a core range of natural fertilisers and biostimulants, BioAg can offer an extensive range of products certified by Australian Organics, suitable for use in organic systems.