BioAgPhos™ is a suitable fertiliser in low rainfall zones – 2021 Trials
Interim results from BioAg field trials undertaken in low rainfall high-country pasture demonstrate that BioAg applications significantly increased dryland pasture production and positively changed species composition.

BioAg New Zealand is at the start of a multi-year pasture trial undertaking in the in low rainfall high-country of the Mackenzie Basin near Twizel, located in the South Island of New Zealand. The interim results are very pleasing demonstrating the effectiveness of using BioAgPhos™ in combination with lime and sulphur, to provide the P required to grow pasture.
The unfertilised basin floor soils in this region are typically free-draining and low in fertility with toxic subsoil aluminium levels. However, with irrigation, soil amendment and fertilising they are highly productive and predominantly support sheep, beef and dairy pasture operations.
The intent of the trials in this specific location was to evaluate the impact of BioAg fertilisers in low rainfall high-country, where biological fertilisers are untested, but are of considerable interest to farmers. Trial sites composed of both dry land and irrigated plots.
The trial evaluated the benefit of BioAgPhos™, as well as Soil & Seed® alone, and in combination.
The dry land site chosen had never been fertilised and was representative of Mackenzie basin floor soils. The site was also precision soil mapped, soil tested, and fenced. To remove the possibility of variability in natural seeding, the entire site was sown with lucerne.
BioAgPhos™ was applied in May 2021, with the first harvest performed in January of 2022.
BioAg Australia CEO, Martin Metz said, “The interim results of the NZ trials have been very positive and encouraging and will be of great interest to farmers in low rainfall areas.
“When BioAgPhos™ was used in combination with lime and sulphur, there was significant improvement in pasture composition and overall ground cover, reducing bare earth. The striking increase in dry matter production and improvement in pasture composition highlight how effective the products work when applied together; in contradiction to traditional agronomic thinking.”

Mackenzie basin near Twizel, South Island New Zealand – Dryland trials site January 2022 prior to harvesting (background green area are the irrigated trial plots).
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