BioAg celebrates 25 years
BioAg was founded in March 1999 as a vehicle to commercialise the IP that Jep Gates had been developing in the Mississippi Valley over the prior ten year period.
Initially we built a pilot liquid fermentation plant in a farm shed at Ballandry Station, north of Yenda in the Riverina. In 2001 we outgrew this pilot facility and bought a green fields site in Red Hill Industrial Estate. By April 2002 we were in production in our new world class fermentation facility here in Narrandera and producing our range of soil and plant enhancing fermented biostimulants, along with our range of digesters: phosphate rock; stubble; and effluent.

Early days at the Red Hill Narrandera Liquids Plant. Founders Jep Gates (left) and Anton Barton.
In 2001 we commenced importing our own RPR, originally from Egypt that was used to make BioAgPhos® by mixing it with our proprietary phosphate rock digester. Ten years ago we switched from Egyptian RPR to Algerian as the Egyptian product was too dusty to continue to import into Australia, given heightened environmental restrictions being enforced by ports and EPA. The Algerian product proved to be far less dusty and problematic as well as being a superior raw material with which to make BioAgPhos.

Earthworks in preparation for the BioAg Liquids Plant in Narrandera, March 2002 (left), and stockpiling a cargo of Algerian RPR at our Solid Products Plant, Batesford, Victoria (right).
Over the years we have accumulated a significant evidentiary body of scientific evidence that proved the efficacy of BioAg’s products and programs. So much so that this year in September, BioAg’s multi year independent pasture trials that have been running near Twizel in the Mackenzie Basin of the South Island of New Zealand, were presented to the Australian Fertiliser Conference in Cairns, by the researcher, Dr Peter Espie. Our science is now peer reviewed, published and is gaining wide acceptance by the industry.

Signing of the share sale, March 2014. Zada and Jep Gates (left), with Trudi and Anton Barton.
“BioAg has evolved to the point where we now have an experienced and qualified team of six sales agronomists that service our various geographic territories across south eastern Australia, led by GM Sales and Marketing, Darren Free. These customer facing people are supported by a very stable, dedicated and experienced group of production and administration staff, all of whom I am very proud. We have a small, dynamic team that is ready to deal with the company’s growing pains as they arise.”
– Anton Barton, BioAg Executive Chairman
2024 is the year of the 25th anniversary of BioAg’s beginnings and we are proud of what we’ve achieved over the journey. Quite a number of our customers have been with us for the entire duration and we’ve had a lot of fun helping producers achieve better outcomes along the way.
– Anton Barton, BioAg Executive Chairman

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