Significant New Zealand trial results
Natural fertiliser proves highly effective in low rainfall zones.
Final results from BioAg field trials undertaken in low rainfall high-country pasture in New Zealand have demonstrated the effectiveness of using natural fertilisers and biostimulants to grow pastures.
BioAgPhos in combination with lime and sulphur, to provide the P, significantly increased dryland pasture production and positively changed species composition pasture in independent trials undertaken in the Mackenzie Basin near Twizel, on the South Island of New Zealand.

Dryland trials site January 2022 prior to harvesting.
The unfertilised basin floor soils in this region are typically free-draining and low in fertility with toxic subsoil aluminium levels. However, with irrigation, soil amendment and fertilising they are highly productive and predominantly support sheep, beef and dairy pasture operations.

Of considerable interest to farmers in this region is the use of biological fertilisers which previously were untested.

Click here to read more detail on BioAg’s NZ trials, including Reports on the Trial Establishment and First Harvest.
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