Great listening
Interesting topics and independent conversations with BioAg customers about how they overcame some of their farming challenges.
Australian Farmers: Telling Our Story – ‘Accidentally Organic’
On Apple Podcasts (21mins)
Angie Asimus talks with Mark Lambert from Sunnyside Tasmania about his unintentional business transformation from a conventional dairy farm to large-scale organic dairy operation. This was a 10 year process to transform the land and, why Mark explains this as ‘Accidentally Organic’.
Seeds for Success – Flexibility is Key: Managing your business to make the most of arising opportunities
On Apple Podcasts (29mins)
Tim Bartimote from LLS talks with Scott Vincent who runs a mixed farming operation of beef cattle along with both irrigated and broadacre cropping, just outside of Narromine, NSW. Scott digs into soil health, how he uses chaff lining to improve weed control, and how his management has changed in the last few seasons.