Tamworth, NSW, Australia
Conducted by
Tamworth Rural
Winter forage trial
A trial was conducted by Russell Ison, an agronomist at Tamworth Rural, in 2011 to evaluate the effectiveness of BioAg Biostimulants in enhancing and improving a conventional fertiliser program on a winter ryegrass crop. The trial was conducted at Brian Wilson’s dairy farm Gordon, at Wallamore Road, Tamworth (NSW).
The ryegrass pasture was sown on the 16th May 2011. The ‘control’ treatment comprised an application of MAP +1% Zn at sowing and 100kg/ha Urea after each of two grazings (as shown in the following table) in line with district agronomic practice.
In the BioAg plots, the same fertilisers were applied as in the control plots, but the BioAg products were applied in addition at the stages shown in the table below.
Summary of Trial Treatments – BioAg
Summary of Trial Treatments – Control
A randomised small plot replicated design was used in the trial. Foliar treatments were applied using a quad bike mounted three metre boom, incorporating eight 110010 AI nozzles. The treatments were applied in a total volume of 80L/ha. The trial received 2 x 50mm irrigation events during the trial period.
The yield was measured at three intervals during the trials period. After cuts were made at a standard height, the cattle were let in to graze within 12-24hrs. The BioAg plots produced an extra 2,704kg/ha of ryegrass in total over the trial period. This represents a 17% increase in yield over the control.
The addition of the BioAg biostimulants to a conventional fertiliser program in ryegrass has shown a positive result on yield and hence gross margin in this trial. The ryegrass treated with BioAg’s products yielded an extra 2,704kg/ha (17%) compared with the control and this produced an extra $696.75/ha in gross margin (21%) after taking into account the extra cost of the BioAg treatment. The BioAg biostimulants therefore gave an excellent return on investment in this trial.

Download independent trial
For the full trial, including methods, results and conclusion, download here.
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