Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Conducted by
Agricenter International
USA soybean multi-year trials
In-field use and demonstrations in Australia’s cropping regions had identified positive yield responses when applying BioAg’s fermented liquid cultures on a range of crops.
BioAg had been able to optimise the foliar component of its biostimulant program in domestic demonstrations and fieldwork. Evaluations were still required to optimise rates for the soil-applied biostimulant (Soil & Seed) in soybeans. A component of these trials was to assess varying rates of use of Soil & Seed.
In order to achieve more reliable, replicable, year on year results we needed to run independent, small plot replicated trials. Agricenter International was engaged to perform a range of trials on behalf of BioAg to evaluate the impacts of applying BioAg’s liquid biostimulants over a range of crop and fertiliser regimes.
This report details the outcomes of trials performed on soybean. Each year, a full biostimulant treatment was applied to a fertiliser application representing Grower Standard Practice (GSP). A number of biostimulant programs were performed over the five years. In year 5 biostimulant treatments were applied over treatments where less nitrogen fertiliser was applied.
Trial aim
To evaluate the impact on soybean yields when applying BioAg liquid biostimulants to fertiliser regimes representing GSP, and GSP less 15% nitrogen.
Each plot had fertiliser applied prior to planting. Fertiliser rates were based on GSP in the Tennessee area. GSP had solid fertiliser applied at the rate of; 22kg of nitrogen, 39kg of phosphorus and 74kg of potassium per hectare. In year 5 treatments T7 and T8 were performed with 15% less nitrogen applied than GSP.
The treatments can be grouped as follows:
- T1 was performed each year and represents GSP
- T2 is GSP with a biostimulants program using a low rate of soil-applied biostimulant with a full application of foliar-applied biostimulants
- T3 is GSP with a biostimulants program using a high rate of soil-applied biostimulant with a full application of foliar-applied biostimulants
- T4 is GSP with only soil-applied biostimulant at a high rate
- T5 is GSP with a biostimulants program comprising a very low rate of soil-applied biostimulant with a full application of foliar-applied biostimulants
- T6 is GSP with a biostimulants program comprising a mid-rate of soil-applied biostimulant with a full application of foliar-applied biostimulants
- T7 is GSP -15%N with a biostimulants program equivalent to T3
- T8 is GSP -15%N with a biostimulants program equivalent to T4
In each year of the trials, we ran the standard application. In addition to this, we also ran trials to evaluate optimal rates of application and potential nutrient use efficiency benefits (the results are available in the trial data).
In each year the treated plots generated greater yields than the control plots. In 2015 where fertility was excellent the yield response was lower.
Yield increase over the district standard practice (control plots)
In years where fertility was good (4 of the 5 years) the treatments provided an average of 18% yield improvement.
Yield improvements were gained irrespective of low or high control plot yields.
The USA trials have shown that the use of BioAg liquids over the top of a fertiliser program increases yields. While yield in each season varied, each year provided a beneficial return.

Download independent trial
For the full trial, including methods, results and conclusion, download here.
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