Sri Lanka
Conducted by
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka brinjal demonstration
Investigating the economic benefits of BioAg technology in Sri Lankan vegetable cultivation.
- To identify and measure the economic and agronomic benefits of BioAgPhos as a source of phosphorus in vegetable cultivation (brinjal).
- To identify and measure the economic and agronomic benefits of BioAg Soil & Seed and other BioAg liquid fertilisers in vegetable cultivation.
The treatments and one control were replicated four times in plots sown in a completely randomised trial.
Up to +12.2% yield increases above the district standard practice. Yield, revenue and quality benefits. Increases in fruit size.
This trial demonstrates that the BioAg fertiliser applications offer multiple benefits in vegetable cultivation, such as a) increased yield, b) increased revenue and c) improved quality. The results indicate that the BioAg treatments have improved the average fruit size, although this was not quantified in this trial.
The BioAg fertiliser application T4 has shown yield, quality and revenue benefits compared with the control fertiliser application in Sri Lanka. The treatment T4 application had BioAgPhos as the phosphorus fertiliser and BioAg Soil & Seed as the soil conditioner, followed by BioAg foliar applications.

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