Adelaide, SA, Australia
Conducted by
Creative Innovation Agriculture & Forestry
Improved microbial biomass with Soil & Seed
The aim of the trial was to determine the effect of BioAg’s Soil & Seed on microbial population in soils (microbial biomass), soil nutrients within the microbial population, and soil carbon levels. The trial was completed on a range of soil samples: sandy soil, loam, and clay loam.
In each trial, a control soil and a treated soil was used. All soil samples were collected from non-production areas of the respective farms. Soil & Seed was applied to the treated samples after collection. Over a 20-day period, there were no further applications however there were rainfall events during that time.
1 x 120 l/ha water
1 x 100 l/ha water
1 x 15 l/ha Soil & Seed
Using protein clipping, biochemical analysis and DNA analysis, CIAAF determined the changes in the microbial biomass (fungi and bacteria) in each sample.
Average total fungi increase +82%
Average total bacteria increase +58%
On average, the total number of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) increased by 77% above the control.
As can be seen in the results, the addition of Soil & Seed improved total microbial mass, total nutrients within the microbial mass, across all key nutrients, and total soil carbon across all soil types trialled.
Why are these results important?
An increased number of micro-organisms in the soil (microbial biomass) improves a number of factors that affect crop production. A higher microbial biomass:
- Improves nutrient supply from the soil to the plant
- Extends the volume of soil from which nutrients are drawn
- Breaks down organic matter
- Stores nutrients in plant-available form
- Suppresses disease-causing soil pathogens
- Increases plant tolerances to heavy metals, drought & salinity
- Converts nitrogen into a plant-available form
- Binds soil into aggregates, improving soil structure
Microbial biomass improves access to nutrients: Even when a nutrient (such as phosphorus) is deficient, plants in soil with a larger soil microbial biomass are more able to access and take up the available nutrients, resulting in better plant health and productivity.

Download independent trial
For the full trial, including methods, results and conclusion, download here.
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