Clare, SA, Australia
Conducted by
Agrisearch Services Pty Ltd
Balaklava wheat trial
One small plot replicated field trial was conducted from June to December 2011 to evaluate various BioAg biostimulants for improving crop growth and yield in wheat. The trial was conducted near Balaklava in South Australia, Australia. This report contains the experimental methods used and presents the results obtained. The trial was conducted under Agrisearch project BIOAG/11/02.
As part of its continuing research and development program, BioAg commissioned Agrisearch Services Pty Ltd to conduct an independent ‘evaluation of BioAg biostimulants for improving crop growth and yield in wheat’ near Balaklava (SA) in 2011.
In its summary, the report notes that “All treatments except for the pre-sow soil application of BIOAG 2730652900 significantly increased yield. The mid-tillering application of BioAg Balance Grow did not significantly increase the yield above the increase observed after the mid-tillering application of BioAg Balance & Grow.”
While both tillering and crop yield were measured in the trial, the most important benefits were demonstrated in the crop yields. These are shown in the table below. You can also view the table on page 10 of the report.
Summary of results – Balaklava, South Australia showing mean grain yield (t/ha)
F probability = 0.395 | Least significant difference (LSD) 5% = not significant
* The standard conventional treatment of 100kg MAP per ha was applied to all treatments.
The key findings from this trial were:
- The application of 3 L/ha of Soil & Seed at pre-sowing produced a significant increase in crop yield.
- The application of 3 L/ha of Soil & Seed at pre-sowing plus that of 2 L/ha Balance & Grow as a foliar treatment at mid-tillering produced the greatest improvement in crop yield.
The observation that BioAg Fruit & Balance did not significantly increase the yield above the increase observed after the mid-tillering application of BioAg Balance & Grow must be taken in the climatic context at the time.
While the start of the season was favourable in terms of soil moisture, air temperature and rainfall, the later part of August and most of September was quite dry which had a significant impact on plant stress and evapotranspiration rates. Whilst the application of Balance & Grow at the mid-tillering stage assisted the crop in dealing with the environmental stresses, by the time the Fruit & Balance application occurred in late September the plants were under significant stress and could not absorb or translocate nutrients effectively.
Had this not been a trial with the program pre-set in Autumn, the correct agronomic decision at the 2nd internode elongation stage would have been not to apply Fruit & Balance in this situation, as there would be little or no expectation of economic gain from the application.
All treatments appeared to slightly increase the numbers of tillers per metre of row; however, the increase observed was not statistically significant. All treatments except for the pre-sow soil application of BioAg 2730652900 significantly increased yield. The mid-tillering application of BioAg Balance & Grow applied as a foliar application provided the greatest improvement in crop yield.

Download independent trial
For the full trial, including methods, results and conclusion, download here.
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