S10 BioAgPhos
Incorporates elemental sulphur in the form of sulphur bentonite in BioAgPhos. Ideal for higher rainfall and higher leaching environments.
Phosphorus 11.4% | Sulphur 10.0% | Calcium 32.0%
Highly soluble, with a minimum of 35% citric acid and 65% formic acid solubility. S10 BioAgPhos is an immediate and sustained release phosphate fertiliser made from high-grade reactive phosphate rock composted with BioAg’s proprietary phosphate digester.
Elemental sulphur, in the form of sulphur bentonite, provides crops and pastures with a sustained release form of sulphur for the entire growing season. Independent analysis shows that 100% of the phosphorus is bioavailable / plant accessible.
- A natural and sustainable alternative to conventional fertilisers
- The inclusion of sulphur improves cycling and uptake of other nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen
- Sulphur is essential for plant growth, the formation of root nodules on legumes, and improves plant health
- Delivers immediate and sustained release of phosphorus making both annual and biennial applications appropriate
- Reduces nutrient losses due to common issues such as leaching and lock up
- Can be applied at any time of the year.
- Safe for use on all areas including waterways
- Small particles enable even distribution; beneficial given P is not mobile in soils
- Well suited to blending with ameliorants such as lime, gypsum, and compost
- S10 BioAgPhos is a certified organic input.
To purchase
Contact your area representative today for a tailored plan for your crop.
S10 BioAgPhos resources
Nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, may be supplied to plants solely from reserves held in the soil. Others like phosphorus and nitrogen are added regularly to soils as fertiliser to be withdrawn as needed by crops. Since the 1950s, fertiliser and ameliorants have been spread using planes and more recently helicopters. In hilly and remote terrain this is common, allowing farmers better use of more of their land. While sometimes it isn’t easy to locate someone to do aerial spreading... ‘Doing things better’ is a key value for BioAg. This extends to building sustainability into our products and business processes through harnessing innovation and new technologies. Replicated trials being held at Stokes Bay and Parndana on Kangaroo Island have supported results to date showing BioAg’s immediate and sustained release fertilisers are as effective, and potentially better performing, than Single Super Phosphate (SSP). Using BioAg’s Su...