NZ Pasture Trial – significant results
An independent and ongoing trial commenced by AgScience Research in 2021, continues to demonstrate statistically significant growth and yield responses in low rainfall zones with the application of BioAgPhos (BAP), lime and various rates of Soil & Seed.
Previous research and market perception is that Reactive Phosphate Rock (RPR) fertilisers are only effective in year one where rainfall is above 850mm, or by year 4 when rainfall is over 700mm. Additionally, there is a prevailing view that applying lime with RPR fertilisers will make the RPR ineffective as a fertiliser.
The trial was undertaken in the Mackenzie basin on the south island of New Zealand. A total of 516.5mm of rain was recorded in the district over the eight-month period, which is typical for this low rainfall area.
BAP in combination with lime and sulphur, to provide the phosphorus, significantly increased the dryland pasture production and positively changed species composition pasture (as pictured).
Click to read more about the trial.

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