Making a difference to silage and hay crops
Brothers James and Joe Harney from Elmore Compost Group, one of our valued clients in Elmore Victoria, have been growing quality domestic vetch hay for many years.
Wanting a good hay year, we put in place a BioAg program that was specifically tailored for his farm and focused on producing a balanced, healthy soil. With a soil test completed 12 months ago, we had the basis for creating a program that could achieve Elmore Compost’s requirements.
Test results showed that the soil contained Phosphorus levels below what was required, so we applied BioAgPhos at 250kg/ha as a top dressing and planted the crop with 2000kg/ha of Elmore compost. Twenty-four hours before the crop was planted, BioAg Soil & Seed was applied (2.5L/ha) to improve moisture and nutrient utilisation and enhance soil microbial activity.
BioAg Balance & Grow was applied (3L/ha) eight weeks after emergence of the vetch crop. It was satisfying to observe that the nodulation of the vetch roots was 12% greater than the adjoining conventional paddock.
James and Joe have been impressed with what we have achieved at planting and he is convinced with the efficacy of the tailored BioAg program. He has confirmed that he will certainly continue this practice of soil testing and planning in future seasons.

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