Long term customers see results in beef
Jamie and Virginia Bond of ‘Wyandra’ in Tooma NSW first started using BioAg fertilisers and liquids in their farming system over 20 years ago. At the beginning their soils were run down and low in nutrients. They viewed the BioAgPhos based fertilisers as a sustainable way to improve nutrient levels, and build soil structure and carbon.
The Bonds run 520 Angus cows and calves, and up to 500 weaners, including Wagyu cross, on their 776ha property. To maintain this intensity, they apply a tailored BioAgPhos, lime and gypsum blend, to half of their farm each autumn. Additionally, they use Soil & Seed in autumn and Balance & Grow plus traces in winter on their fodder crops to deliver required micronutrients, improve microbial activity, stimulate plant growth process, and improve nutrient cycling. Over time, this has built soil structure and carbon levels.
This long-term program has not only helped maintain and increase production but has also contributed to improved overall on-farm animal health.
Significantly they found after the fire events in 2009, where they lost most of the farm including 400 cows, and again in 2020 with 400ha burnt out, the recovery of pastures was unsurpassed. This can be attributed to the presence of required soil nutrients and overall soil structure which supported a strong response to rainfall.
This year the Bonds over-sowed some burnt paddocks with annual ryegrass producing over 10t/ha in dry matter, which was cut for hay. There was also 1ft of re-growth, 3-weeks post cutting, providing critical extra feed coming into the summer period. One third of the property is sown down to Phalaris based permanent pasture which, along with the BioAg’s nutrition program, helps them to maximise the benefits of soil health and carbon building.
Jamie and Virginia are strong advocates for BioAg’s fermented cultures to improve soils, and routinely use Rumimate (microbial feed supplement / probiotic) to combat stock health issues, such as bloat, with great success. Jamie and Virginia have placed 4th and 15th in the Eating Quality Awards for the Beef Spectacular for the last 2 years respectively.

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