Improving your broadacre crops
Improve the benefits when applying broadacre chemicals
Maximise profitable yields
In broadacre cropping, fungicides are sprayed to reduce the impact of disease in growing crops. This provides an obvious benefit to a crop, but it is possible to get added benefit by feeding and stimulating the crop at the same time as applying the fungicide.
- Including liquid macro or micronutrients in the application, where deficiencies have been identified by crop evaluation or leaf tests.
- Including a growth or fruiting biostimulant that supplies important metabolites, enzymes, vitamins and sugars to support plant growth.
Fungicide protects your crop from disease while BioAg’s Fruit & Balance stimulates crop growth. Mixing Fruit & Balance with your fungicide spray supplies essential trace elements and organic compounds and sugars that will assist flowering, seed set and seed fill.
A good moisture profile, supporting an application of fungicides and trace elements, will support your crop and give you the best opportunity to lift yields.
BioAg Fruit & Balance should be used as part of an integrated BioAg Fertility Program to rejuvenate soil fertility. Your nearest BioAg Representative can develop a custom-made fertility program for each paddock or crop using advanced analytical and prescriptive services.

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