Cheers to our CEO
It is with some sadness that we announce that Martin Metz is retiring from BioAg in December, having spent almost nine years leading Team BioAg through a myriad of environmental and market based shocks.
Martin joined BioAg in an executive role in early 2016. Prior to that he had held many high-powered corporate responsibilities in his career – firstly at Pivot and subsequently at Incitec Pivot.
Initially Martin’s role at BioAg was Chief Operating Officer but in 2018 he was elevated to Chief Executive Officer and has capably filled this role since.
During Martin’s time we endured drought from 2017 to early 2020, Covid from 2020 to 2022, market shocks with soaring fertiliser prices an 2021 and into 2022, falling market prices in 2022 and 2023.
There was also the threat of El Nino through the spring of 2023 and actual drought in parts of our addressable market, all of which resulted in a state of pretty constant volatility in terms of demand and pricing, as well as the competitive landscape.
Looking back through the 20/20 hindsight lens, we haven’t always gotten everything right. That having been said, through a difficult period that has resulted in much of the commodity fertiliser market being for sale (IPF and Wengfu), under Martin’s leadership BioAg has come through in pretty robust good health.
Whilst we’re sad to say goodbye to Martin we’re excited about the future and the direction that the company is headed.
Wishing you all the best in your retirement, Martin.
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