BioAg is a Fertcare registered and accredited organisation.
Staff members have completed Fertcare Level A, B or C training. All BioAg Area Managers have completed Fertcare accreditation Level C.
Level B is for sales staff and aims to improve their knowledge of fertiliser products while enabling them to provide warnings and simple advice.
Level C is for plant nutrition advisors and covers a detailed and complex knowledge of environmental issues, including the use of a fertiliser environmental risk assessment and management methodology. Level C training is a prerequisite to becoming a Fertcare Accredited Advisor.

Australian Organic Certified Farm Input
ACO Certified Allowed Inputs are allowed to be used on properties certified to the National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce. Allowed Inputs are materials used as supplementary tools in a balanced organic farm management program. Inputs into an organic production system are generally prohibited if synthetically compounded – defined by the ACO Standard as a process which chemically changes a material derived from plant, animal or mineral resources, with the exception of microbiological processes.

Fertilizer Australia
Fertilizer Australia is the industry association representing manufacturers, importers and distributors of fertiliser in Australia, and associated service industries. Fertilizer Australia members supply over 95% of the fertilisers used in Australia. Fertilizer Australia’s role is to effectively manage issues that are common to members, where an industry wide approach is likely to be more effective than the actions of individual companies.