About us
BioAg is an Australian owned and operated manufacturer of proven liquid biostimulants and natural phosphate fertilisers, since 1999. Our expert Area Managers and agronomists work with farmers to provide tailored fertility programs that consider the individual block, including its history and soil type, along with soil test results and the farmer’s yield and quality goals and budget. We have over two decades of research, trials, case studies and long-term customers as testament to the quality of BioAg’s products and programs – solid proof that they deliver balanced and improved soil health.
In other words, we develop a fertility program for your farm that suits you, and helps your farm meet its full productive capacity. We can tailor programs that are suitable for conventional or organic farming systems.
Our head office and liquids manufacturing plant are located in the Riverina, NSW. Solid products are manufactured and supplied from our facility based near Geelong, Victoria.
Your local BioAg Area Managers are always available to discuss how BioAg’s products and programs can improve your farming system or put you in contact with our distributor network.
Our history
BioAg was formed in March 1999 by directors, Jeptha Gates and Anton Barton, the former a renowned American biological farming consultant, and the latter a long time advocate of biological farming practices and distributor of biological nutritional products in Australia.
When they met, Jep had spent 10 years developing and working with liquid organic composted cultures in the Mississippi Valley. Anton identified the value of such technology and the benefits of its application to Australian conditions.
They formed BioAg to provide sound biological programs for soil and plants, and to manufacture the necessary nutrients not readily available through conventional supply chains. One of the key drivers behind the establishment of the business was the identification of a growing number of farmers looking to “do it better” by incorporating the principles of biological farming into their conventional farming operations and needing the inputs to achieve their goals.
A trial plant was established at Ballandry Station, near Yenda in the Riverina region of NSW. Biological nutrients were produced here as the client base grew. The customers were widely spread throughout the eastern states and Western Australia.
By the year 2000, it became apparent that the business was outgrowing the Ballandry plant, and a search began for a new site. The Redhill Industrial Estate at Narrandera (NSW) was identified as the best location to set up greenfields production facility, with its primary attraction being easy freight access to and from all parts of Australia, as the town is located at the junction of the north-south Newell Highway and the east-west Sturt Highway. Other considerations included local access to labour and trade services in the Narrandera Shire. The new factory was completed in 2003, and production capacity has been added continually as demand has grown.
BioAg’s headquarters are located in a beautiful historic building in the heart of the town which has been restored to its former glory. It now houses office suites, conference rooms and laboratories, and will cater to the needs of the company’s expansion for many years to come.
BioAg’s growing agronomic support team now has a network of qualified Territory Managers throughout the eastern states of Australia (NSW, VIC, TAS and SA) and supports an extensive dealer network.

Our team
Members of our team are located throughout NSW, VIC, TAS and SA, and work directly with farmers and growers, as well as in conjunction with our Agent and Distribution network.
BioAg is a Fertcare registered and accredited organisation. Staff members have completed Fertcare Level A, B or C training. All BioAg Area Managers have completed Fertcare accreditation Level C.
Contact us
At BioAg we work with you to provide a tailored fertility program that considers the individual block, soil test results, yield and quality goals and budget. Talk to our expert Area Managers about how we can help your farm meet full production capacity.