2020 Crop case study
Agostino Galluzzo, owner and manager of Galluzzo Produce in the Riverina operates a mixed farming enterprise including sheep, beef, pigs, and irrigated and dryland cropping. As a former potato and onion grower, Agostino is fully aware of the importance of soils in delivering optimal yields.
Working with his agronomist and local BioAg representative, and utilising soil test results, programs containing nutrients and biostimulants were developed to suit the planned rotation of wheat, barley, and clover.
Phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, and pH were addressed with a pre-plant application and incorporation of a blend of BioAgPhos with trace elements, gypsum and Aglime. Higher rates of application were used to correct irrigated fields compared to dryland fields. This not only corrected calcium and pH but also provided capital sustained-release phosphorus, enabling a reduction in rates of starter fertiliser.
BioAg liquid biostimulants were utilised over part of the dryland barley crop. To stimulate emergence and early root development, BioAg Soil & Seed was applied by boom-spray post early rains and pre-sowing. Sowing was performed with a low rate, 30kg/ha of starter fertiliser. Good moisture levels in autumn supported the application of BioAg Balance & Grow, with calcium nitrate solution, so as to promote vegetative growth. Treated crops were evaluated to have a 30% greater root mass and more than 30% increase in tiller count. Finally, urea was applied at the 6-leaf stage.
While visual results were evident, most importantly the treated crops delivered higher yields of 3.95T/ha versus 2.9T/ha. Agostino was particularly impressed with the grain assessment from the typically problematic lighter soils, with a hectolitre weight greater than his crops off heavy soils.
The measured yield and quality improvements under the BioAg programs were, a 36% increase in barley yield, and a 5% higher grain-weight, with the same protein and similar screenings.
In Agostino’s words, “BioAg’s Balance & Grow and CalNitSol turned my barley crop ‘on’ the week after application. My agronomist said the crop had become luminescent in a week and from there it just powered on!”

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